5 reason that KKB Engineering Berhad (KKB) will BULLish…
1. 15sen 股息 (Ex - Dividend: 12 May 2010, The payment of this First and Final Dividend is subject to the shareholders' approval at the forthcoming Thirty-Fourth Annual General Meeting to be held on 11 May 2010. )
2. Bonus issue (Will be confirm on forthcoming Thirty-Fourth Annual General Meeting to be held on 11 May 2010)
3. Share split (Will be confirm on forthcoming Thirty-Fourth Annual General Meeting to be held on 11 May 2010.)
4. 1億9600萬令吉SAMALAJU水供工程
5. 砂拉越再生能源走廊(SCORE)SCORE project
From insider Acquired the stock, i am confident that dividend, bonus, share split will be confirmed on forthcoming AGM. Added, this few days are trade on support level. By next week, is should rebound.
Pls buy at your own risk & consult your broker b4 make any buy or sell order!!!
stock split doesnt add value, why would it cause share price to go up?
ReplyDeleteYou may refer KPJ & HAIO, quite similar trend.
ReplyDeleteBefore share split, the $$$ keep higher high. So, i m expected KKB will be the same trend!