5 reason that KKB Engineering Berhad (KKB) will BULLish…
1. 15sen 股息 (Estimate mid of April will announce the entitlement date)
2. Bonus issue (a few weeks after dividend, estimate end of April or May 2010)
3. Share split (a few weeks after dividend, estimate end of April or May 2010)
4. 1億9600萬令吉SAMALAJU水供工程
5. 砂拉越再生能源走廊(SCORE)SCORE project
If refer to existing counter like KPJ (Share split + Bonus + free warrant), MAGNA (Share split), QL (Bonus), OSK (Bonus), HAIO (Dividend + Share split + Bonus) etc, once the entitlement date announced, all the counter keep rebound, become higher high. Added, now consolidate around RM5.80 level, may consider cheap.
Do take note that KKB is offer quite attractive share split + bonus, so now is the right time to accumulate.
Pls buy at your own risk & consult your broker b4 make any buy or sell order!!!