Sunday, October 11, 2009

Stock Event: Trading within the Bands

Date: 11 Oct 2009 (Sunday) 
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm 


Paragon Hotel 
Diamond 5 - Level 6
18, Jalan Harimau,
Taman Century, 80250,
Johor Bahru, Johor,

Date : 18 Oct 2009 (Sunday) 

Time : 9:30am - 11:30am 


Gurney Hotel 

Function Hall 1
18 Persiaran Gurney
10250 Georgetown


Date: 24 Oct 2009 (Saturday) 
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm 


Heritage Hotel 
Meeting Room 1 - Level 1
Jalan Raja DiHilir
30350 Ipoh
Perak Darul Ridzuan

The Bollinger Bands was developed by Mr. John Bollinger. It is widely used by traders to trade the market effectively.

Many traders often miss the right entry point which might cause a lesser profit or even worst a loss. One of the usages of Bollinger Bands is in the powerful Bollinger Squeeze, which triggers high probability buy or sell signals. Just think of the possible benefits you will get by having indicators to buy as well as to sell!

Learn more about Bollinger Bands and use it to trade to your advantage.

Seminar Outline

Introduction to Technical Analysis

This seminar will cover the concepts of Bollinger Bands and will showcase how powerful Bollinger Bands to find for a buy and sell signals. The highlight of this seminar will be on how to obtain clear and powerful signals from Bollinger Bands and ride through the trend. This indicator can help trader to take advantage over others in timing their entries and exits.

How to construct Bollinger Bands
What are the trading signals with Bollinger Bands
How to identify the "high" or "low" with Bollinger Bands
Learn how a software can help you pick the next winner in 10 mins

Sunday, October 4, 2009


除了PA(preference share)之外,这些产品是统称为derivatives.所有的warrant,call warrant,iculs等都有以下的共同点,

1.转换价(excersise /strike price)
这是把warrant转换为母股的价格,cash settled call warrant方面,这是作为计算赚/损的价格。

2.寿命期(expiry/maturity period)
所有的warrant,callwarrant,iculs等都有一定的寿命期,warrant一般上是五到十年,能否延长是取决于发行warrant时的deed poll,以及Bursa andSC的批准。CA早期有四年的(例,Khazanah 发行的MISC-CA),但最近所发行的CA寿命期非常短,CIMB发行的CA是八个月,AMMB发行的CA是一年。CA不能延长。icul寿命期从二到
到期的warrant&call warrant假如没有转换为母股,将成为废纸,现金结算(cash-settled)CA例外。到期的iculs自动的以转换比率换为母股。

#2 Warrant 是怎样来的?
当一间公司筹资时,会选择发行附加股(rights issue)或债券(iculs),为吸引小股东们认购,公司通常会加上甜品,也就是warrant.Warrant 本身起源自call options.请看看Investopedia 对于calloption的定义:

An agreement that gives an investor the right (but not the obligation) to buy astock, bond, commodity, or other instrument at a specified price within aspecific time period.




#3 CA,CB,CC。。。

Call warrant 基本上也是call option,但和warrant有稍微不同。
-Call warrant 非由公司发行,issue者是第三者,通常这个第三者是大股东或者是Merchant bank 如CIMB,AMMB,OSK等。

-Call warrant分为covered或uncovered.covered warrant 是由大股东发行,(例khazanah发行的Telecom CA)coveredwarrant到期时只能够以转换价转换成母股,到期没有转换的covered warrant成为废纸。因为转换时没有涉及发行新的母股,公司的earning 不会dilute.

uncovered warrant也称为naked warrant,发行者通常没有或者只拥有很少量的母股。近来发行的call warrant多为这类。uncoveredwarrant结算时以现金支付,不能以转换价转换成母股。(例-Bj Toto 今天闭市价为4.60,如果某人拥有一千股CA要求结算,他将获得4.60减去转换价,也就是4.43,等于RM170。既然现今CA市价为0.34,要求结算者将要亏损RM170。手续费还没算入。)

covered and uncovered warrant结算时相对的一方(counter party)是issuer.

uncovered warrant寿命期一般上比covered warrant短。

不同时期由不同issuer发行的call warrant,由以转换价与寿命期个别不同,因此以CA,CB,CC等区别。

#4-Iredeemable convertible unsecured loanstock(Iculs)-LA,LB。。。
我暂时的跳过Preference share(PA),因为 PA不是derivatives.让我们先谈谈Iculs.

公司筹资的方法之一是发行loanstock(债卷),发行loanstock事实上就是公司向股东借钱,表明利率,年仿及到期时的偿还方法。Loan stock到期时的偿还方法有二种,一是现金偿还,二是以早先表明的转换比率转换成母股。现金偿还者称为redeemable loan stock,可转换成母股者便称为Iredeemable convertible loan stock.我们现在只集中讨论Iredeemable convertible loan stock。


Iculs不是股票,也不是warrant,发行Iculs时有份Trust deed说明利率,年仿,转换比率等。

Iculs因为不是warrant,所以没有time decay的问题,接近到期时不会越来越没有time value.

同样的,因为不同期限与转换比率等的差别,loan stock以LA,LB等来区别。购买loan stock必须留意convertible还是unconvertible,后者的capital appreciation 较少。



不同Ordinary share,Preference shares没有voting rights,股息取决于发行时相关的条款。股息又分为cumulative 和non-cumulative.

期权有二种,American style 和European style,American style 的期权可在任何时候要求转换,European style的期权只可以在到期时转换。
大部分的warrant,call warrant是American style,Iculs和PA是Europeanstyle,也有例外。
要转换母股,请首先由Stockbroker or registrar处取得excercise form填好,把转换价以银行本票方式附上给Registrar,大约三个星期,DONE!!!

回筹方面,假如是convertibleloan stock的话,它的起落应该会和母股平行。Unconvertible loan stock因为不能转换为母股,它的价钱起落不大,只会反映redemption amount on maturity减去/加上interestreceivable and risk premium for redemption .

关于iculs有趣的一点是假如是European style(届满时转换),它的价钱起落的behaviour和warrant相反,越接近届满时,越靠近母股价,没有time decay 的问题.

当一间公司发附加股或其他的筹资工具时,现有的股东们能享有以公司所定下的折扣价购买附加股或其他的筹资工具。这权利便称为"认购权"(rights to subscribe).一些公司的认购权是可以转卖的。这就是OS,OR的来源。

OS 和OR通常会在申请书寄出后,但before the closing date forsubscription前在Bursa交易二个星期。最后的买方必须以公司所定下的价认购附加股或其他的筹资工具,假如没有购买的话,OS或OR willlapse and成为废纸。
认购权的价值(intrinsic value)是不难估计的,(例,母股市价RM3,附加股为RM2.5,认购权的价值便是RM0.50),可是当认购的附加股或其他的筹资工具有附送如 warrant时,认购权的估值便变得复杂。因为多了一个可变的因素(variable),ie,warrant price.